Attention Frustrated And Struggling Parents!

Are Your Kids Getting The Most Out Of The Time Spent On Their Phones And Tablets?

The following is a message for every Frustrated and struggling parent who needs educational tools that their children will actually use, but can't afford a tutor.

But luckily for you there's now a solution to your problem!!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

There I was, a lost-in-the-chaos father trying to get my daughter to spend less time on her ipad and focus more on educational and extracurricular activities.

The thing is, at the time I was taking something away from her that she truly enjoyed.

The big problem was that I couldn't figure out how to make learning for her as fun and exciting as her game apps were.. That meant either taking the ipad away for good or letting her spend as much time on it as she wanted. Neither of those options were ideal or beneficial. Both of those would either lead to temper tantrums, or see a lack of productivity. Again, neither one of those are beneficial to me or her..

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

I had the idea to create a mobile game app that was truly educational and fun!

I started on this journey by researching how much information our brains absorb, especially as a kid, with repetition.!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me that if I could turn game time into learning time, I could help my daughter learn math, how to spell and read, and even learn new languages. This made me see that I could not only help my daughter learn while she plays, but I also created a solution for other parents struggling with the same issues...

My plan started out with me learning and understanding children's brain development and how they learn at a younger age.

So I did my own research and looked at case studies, brain development medical journals, and the psychology of repetition... But I didn’t stop there.
I then came up with the "Complex Matrix of Early Child Learning Development Skills".

After that, we developed my daughters first game app and launched it on app store platforms.

Bottom line: In the end we were able to Improve my daughters grades that were averaging C's to A's and B's. On top of that, she also learned 2 new languages. . .

Building on that success, I decided to build a company tailored to developing kids game apps that were fun and educational.
I called it “ABC App Kids”.

ABC App Kids creates and develops fun and educational mobile game applications.

With ABC App Kids I made the time my daughter spends on her ipad into something that is actually beneficial. There is no more tantrums because I took the ipad away, there is no more feeling guilty that I let her spend more time on her ipad, her grades have increased, her educational tools have multiplied, she has gaining a better understand of subjects such as math and spelling than some of the other kids her class, and she is enjoying learning, while having fun at the same time!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a Frustrated and struggling parent who really needs additional educational tools that you children will actually use, but can't afford a tutor every week, here's the solution you've been looking for…


"ABC App Kids"

“ABC App Kids” Helps You:
  • Increase in school grades...
  • ​Learning more than what is taught in school...
  • ​Make money from in app ads ...
  • ​Make money from in app purchases...
  • ​You can put your kid in the game...
... and much, MUCH more!

And best of all... you'll start seeing results with “ABC App Kids” in as little as 30 days from your launch date and it costs less than the average monthly cost of a tutor.
So again, if you're a parent who has a child who is struggling in school or feels that they are spending too much time on electronics without any sort of positive out come, understand this:
  • Your child's future may depend on it. The Current Pandemic has brought lots of challenges, one being that many parents have had to school their kids at home. Having an educational app can act as another teacher....
  • ​We don't know when kids are going to be back in school indefinitely. Let us help you, help yourself, help your kid(s)....
  • ​Aside from all the education properties ABC App Kids can make, you can also make money with the game app!...

Act Now - Before It's Too Late!

Meet a few of our HAPPY CUSTOMERS

If you're a parent like me who has let their kids spend way too much time on their ipad and is now struggling to reduce the time spent on it- ABC App Kids is for you. My 3 boys, ages 5, 6 and 8- are all now learning Spanish with a game app! As long as they are actually learning from the games they play, I don't mind them spending time on their ipads.

December 13, 2020

This was the best money I ever spent on my grandson. He has a learning disability and the game app ABC App Kids built him has helped him learn colors, letters, numbers and sounds. Thank you ABC APP KIDS!!!

December 02, 2020

ABC App Kids is a win-win for both parents and kids. Your kids get to play games they actually enjoy and learn subjects like math, art or language AND parents are able to make money with the in-app ads and in-app purchases. I started a savings account for my kids college funds with the money I'm making through my apps.

November 06, 2020

I was definitely skeptical at first, but within the first few months of my daughter playing her math match 3 game, her teacher called me to let me know she was doing much better in class with her addition and subtraction. She asked if I was tutoring her and I told her what we built her a game app. I am more than impressed to say the least. This was worth every penny we spent!

September 26, 2020

As a busy mom of 4, I always felt guilty if I let my kids spend more than an hour on their tablets... But not anymore! ABC app kids has built our family 2 educational apps and we will probably have a #3 by next year. Our kids love them!

August 27, 2020

Get Onboard With ABC App Kids Now!

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With ABC App Kids

Developer account setup ($299 Value)
Having our team to help you set up your developer accounts with you is the secret to saving you time, and your time is money. We save you time by having our team set up your developers accounts the right way on the first time around so that your app will have a higher chance at getting approved.
1 month of marketing FREE ($399 Value)
My team will market your game application for the first 30 days it is on app store platforms. This is your solution to gain more users and installs and how you can actually generate a revenue stream from in-app ads and in-app purchases. This means that you may be able to save money for, let’s say, your kids college tuition or maybe for the science camp trip at the end of the year that they have been begging to go on..

Act Now And Get These Incredible 


BONUS #1: 1 year of our App Maintenance Service ($120 Value)
Our service keeping up with all updates and maintenance holds the secret to your app always being the most up-to-date version which will prevent glitches and errors of the app on user electronics. which enables Your app to have no issues, guaranteed for the first year after purchase and This saves you the hassle of having to learn and understand app development and maintenance to keep your app running in perfect harmony.


"ABC App Kids" does help your children increase in school grades by making them the star of their own game application that they can show other students and friends...  in-app ads and in-app purchases are a bonus to where as a parent you could monetize your childs application to generate revenue...we'll keep working on your behalf, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with  ABC App Kids results!

Here's Everything You Get Today

  • 1 Mobile Game Application ($6,997.00 Value)
  • ​Dev acct set up ($299.00 Value)
  • ​1 Month of Marketing FREE ($399.00 Value)
  • ​BONUS #1: 1 year of our App Maintenance Service ($120.00 Value)

Total Value: $7,815.00

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY: $1,497.00

Here's to your success with ABC App Kids!

PS - If you're sick and tired of not understanding and seeing the benefits of using a tool that was previously a distraction and turn it into an education gold mine, then ABC App Kids is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!
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